Wednesday, February 6, 2008

When did they get so big?

They were laying around and actually letting me take some pictures. When did they get so big? Savannah really seems to be getting bigger and older everyday. It's so hard to believe that she'll be starting school here at the end of the summer. I need to make the most of the last couple of months that I have with her.
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A Conversation with Savannah

"We need to clean up the front room first."
"You do it."
"I'm not going to do it, I didn't make the mess. We are all going to do it."
"I don't like cleaning!"
"That's too bad, because someday you're going to be a mom and you're going to have to do lots of cleaning. You'll probably have to do it all by yourself because your kids are going to tell you that they don't want clean."
"Then I guess I'll have to put them in time out."

Hmmm, does she make the connection here? Yep, she cleaned up the living room mostly by herself with a little help from Mirian.

More Snow!

It has been snowing everyday now for probably the last 3 weeks. Sometimes it's quite a good storm, and other times just some light stuff. But it doesn't seem to end! We finally got out yesterday and braved the cold. They only lasted a few minutes as usual. I think they go outside just so they can come back inside and have some Hot Chocolate. I've been trying to take more close up portrait shots of the girls for some layouts and had too much fun. These were some cute ones I thought.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Our BIG Daily Something

This is my daily something for today, a pretty big daily something actually. We made it till now and we are 1/2 way through! Today we found out that another bundle of pink is going to be joining our family at the end of June. We were sure it was a boy, but a pleasant surprise we got instead. Ironically right after we got pregnant Savannah came up to me and told me I was pregnant with baby girl. She wanted a baby sister and was insistent about it. Even when we tried to tell we weren't going to have a baby for a while, and that it could be a boy. She was adament that it was a girl. I broke the news to the girls today that we were going to have a baby and it was going to be a girl. She thinks we should name it Sally. I think not. I've never had a better pregnancy, I haven't even felt pregnant. So it's been great! So to me it still seems unreal except for the expanding stomach part. Hard to believe #4 is on the way. Wasn't it just yesterday as I wondering if I would ever get married?

Supplies Used: A Mom to Be & Nessa Collection.